BlackPinkは最近、1年2か月ぶりにカムバック。新曲”How You Like That“はSpotifyグローバルトップ50チャートで、K-popアーティストの最高順位となる2位を記録。さらに、MVは公開から24時間の最多再生数の新記録を達成し、世界的な注目を集めています。

ファンによると、「M6」は特集の中で、BlackPinkを”女性に力, 自信を与える”グループとして紹介。一方、その比較対象として引き合いに出されたTWICEについては「メンバー数(9人)は多い」「全員同じに見える」「コンセプトが可愛すぎる」と伝えたといいます。
So the French National TV @m6 did a short documentary about blackpink and at the end of it they compared twice for being a cute concept group. They also said that 9 was a lot and they all looked the same. WTF
Apologize to TWICE @M6 !!!!!pic.twitter.com/bCLGxj26qx— K-Pop Predictions (@predictions_k) June 29, 2020
Now you have to explain to me why yall had to compare bp and twice? Apparently they shamed twice for having a cute concept and that 9 members is too much also saying they look the same??? Wtf is wrong with yall?? @M6pic.twitter.com/zSugX7zCKg
— Get ya TWICE
(@jihyogasm) June 29, 2020
The hypocrisy when theyre talking about women empowerment while judging and insulting and makes racists remarks towards South Korea's 3rd Generation National Girlgroup.. APOLOGIZE TO TWICE! You racists! @M6#M6ApologizetoTwice pic.twitter.com/vVj0R4xfry
— JeongOppa (@weirdoatnight) June 30, 2020