2月24日放送のSBS「人気歌謡」では、ITZYの”Dalla Dalla”, ファサの”Twit“, Woodyの“Fire up”の3曲が1位候補にノミネート。この中から1位を獲得したのは….ITZY!
Yuna: Yes, first we want to thank our JYP pd-nim, all the staffs and also the fans. It's our 2nd week of promotion, thank u for always coming! We will work harder in the future!
Chaer: Thank u
Ryu: We love you!
Lia: Thank u~#ITZY3rdWin #DALLADALLA3rdWin— 신류진🌙 god ryujin (@itzyoverflow) February 24, 2019
ryujin is crying again… tears of joy 😭 #ITZY3rdWin
— 류✧ (@ryujinhoe) February 24, 2019