(G)I-DLEが、”DUMDi DUMDi“で6度目の音楽番組1位を獲得!
8月23日放送のSBS「人気歌謡」では、(G)I-DLEの”DUMDi DUMDi“, Jessiの”NUNU NANA”, パク・ジニョンの”When We Disco”が1位候補にノミネート。このうち1位を獲得したのは….(G)I-DLE!
200823 Inki thank you speech
YQ: Today is actually our last stage. You’ve worked hard for the past 3 weeks and thank you to all the people who helped us. We’ll return with a cooler image so please look forward to it. Thank you so much Neverlands, we love you!#dumdidumdi6thwin pic.twitter.com/3OoQWOvIu0
— translating gom (@transbygom) August 23, 2020