あるIZOneファンは、Twitterに「友達が昨夜(12/10)、ソウルのスーパーで、ウンビ, 矢吹奈子, チェヨンに遭遇した」「奈子はミントチョコ・アイスを持っていた」との目撃情報を投稿しました。
My friend overheard Nako telling Eunbi that Chaewon could go over to their room for ice cream 😂
Then, Chaeyeon came up with some snacks in her hands, apparently she was saying something along the line, like "food for Sakura"
(cont)… #izone #KeepHoldingOnIzone
— 🐱アリナ♪🐱WIZ*ONE ❤️ IZ*ONE 🌹 (@Arina_775) December 11, 2019
The girls seems to be alone shopping, my friend didn't want to invade their private space, so she only asked them politely if they are doing alright and her friend who is a fan is worried(aka me) and Eunbi replied, "yes, we're okay"
Thank you#izone #KeepHoldingOnIzone— 🐱アリナ♪🐱WIZ*ONE ❤️ IZ*ONE 🌹 (@Arina_775) December 11, 2019
IZOneは現在、”プロデュース”シリーズの不正問題により、活動を中断中。日本人メンバー3人(宮脇咲良, 本田仁美, 矢吹奈子)は、韓国に居ると伝えられています。