Army達は1日、Bangtan (バンタン)とBeard(ベアード)をミックスしたBeardtanのハッシュタグと共に、加工されたヒゲ顔姿の防弾少年団メンバーの写真をTweet!「#Hello_We_Are_Beardtan」がトレンド入りを果たしています。
Who came up with this I just want to talk pic.twitter.com/HI6LOxaIPy— stan beardtan (@jdopeismybias) April 1, 2018
Has anyone done this yet?
I put so little effort into it. #Hello_We_Are_Beardtan pic.twitter.com/TCxji5Hss0— Cait | LOVE YOUR BEARD (@SuicidalFelix) April 1, 2018
One day we army's are going to look back at our old tweet's and laugh so hard😂😂😅#Hello_We_Are_Beardtan pic.twitter.com/vV33mydY9Z
— SooyunaDance❤ (@jookyungbts) March 31, 2018
Omg I can’t express how much I love this fandom! 💜😂 remember…
Beard myself, beard yourself. #Hello_We_Are_Beardtan pic.twitter.com/XFKABdlK3U— BEARD YOURSELF (@bloomheart4) April 1, 2018